Saturday, February 10, 2018

Dancing with a two-year-old Princess

One evening a couple weeks ago, my nine-year-old daughter put a "dress-up" fairy princess dress on her younger sister, A. Princess A. announced, "I pretty!" Then, as I swept the dining room floor, she ran up to me and said, "Dance [with] me, daddy. Dance me."
So I traded the broom for a pint-sized, pacifier-wearing princess. And we danced.

Several days later, A. and I danced again. As we did, A. kept repeating, "My name is [A]. I dancing with my daddy. I dancing like a princess." as we sailed back and forth across the living room floor.
While I took rest breaks -- yes, I *am* in peak physical condition, thank you for asking -- A. danced on her own, flailing and twirling about as she chanted, "Shake your booty! Shake your booty!"
A. grew increasingly impatient with my rest breaks. She kept demanding, "Get up dad! Dance me more!" I complied with those demands. Each time I did, the booty shaking stopped and A. danced like a princess once again.

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