Monday, August 22, 2016

First Day of School: Creative Ideas for Breakfast and Lunch

Well, today is the first day of a new school year. We have a newly minted fourth grader, a third grader, and a first grader. Here they are ready to go:

In keeping with tradition, Katie made the girls fancy breakfasts: pancakes shaped like bear faces, with bacon or sausage for the mouth, chocolate chips for the nose, scrambled eggs for the eyes, chocolate chips for the pupils, and slices of banana for the hair on the top of the bears' heads:

The coolest part, though, was the lunches Katie made. I photographed just the first grader's lunch as an example:

As you can see, the sandwich is cut into the shape of a fish. And on the baggie is written, "You Are 'O' fish ally a 1st grader.:

Cucumber slices cut in the shape of stars using a cookie cutter. It says, "Even the starfish are impressed."

Half an apple with grapes attached by tooothpicks makes a sea turtle. On the bag is written, "Sea Turtle says Totally Tubular Dude!"

A bag of goldfish crackers. The baggie says "Just Keep Swimming! Just Keep Swimming!"

And last but not least, dessert. The heart-shaped cookie says "LOV U"

And they're off! Good luck today little ladies! Remember mommy and daddy love you!

1 comment:

  1. Katie, you are the most amazing Mom! How creative and it shows how much you love and appreciate your daughters. Way to go girls in starting a new school year! I miss you guys.
