Thursday, August 18, 2016

Road Rage in an 8-yr-old girl

On the way to the kids' Back To School night this evening, I was waiting to turn left at a traffic light and the person in front of me refused to budge even though the light was green and there was no oncoming traffic. We were running late and I was a bit impatient. So I said, "You can go, there's no traffic! You can go!"
And L. called out from the back of the van, "Yeah, go, you jerk!"
Katie spun in her seat. "Leila, we DO NOT call names!"
L. replied, "But dad does that to people all the time when he takes me to school."
Dearest daughter, a few words if I may:
1st: I do not call other drivers "jerks." Other names, perhaps, but not "jerks."
2nd: Try to rise above your father's imperfections, rather than mimic them.
3rd: Thank you for throwing me under the bus and getting me in trouble with your mother. Next time, a simple "Okay, mom" will suffice.

The child looks so innocent, no?

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