Friday, September 16, 2016

Laundry Day

Yesterday, my wife did the laundry -- washing, drying, and folding each girl's clothing into orderly stacks. Then she asked each child to put away their respective piles of laundry. This they did, but only in accordance with their own interpretation of the phrase "put away." One child's interpretation of her mother's instructions differed quite sharply from Katie's intended meaning. This morning, Katie went into S's bedroom and discovered one stack of the child's neatly folded laundry stuffed under her pillow, a second stack of laundry shoved inside the bedroom closet, and a third stack crammed into a toy bin.
I dare say little Miss S. will be hearing from her mother upon her return home from school this afternoon.
P.S. Dear 9 y/o daughter, couldn't you just throw all your freshly laundered clothing into a single heap on the floor like most kids do?

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