Tuesday, May 31, 2016

My Daughters' Obsession with My Hair, Part 3

The following day . . . 

I got my hair cut on Thursday. Neither my wife nor my daughters noticed. Either that or they simply did not say anything about it. Until today, that is. Little Miss "Dad, you look ugly with a bald face" was standing behind me and suddenly said, "Dad, why did you get your hair cut?!" She said she wanted me to grow it back out again to the same length that it had been. (To actually quote Savannah: "Dad, I *order* you to . . .") Colette then suggested that I grow my hair out as long as Rapunzel's. I told her that it would take me at least forty years to do that, assuming I had any hair left by then. (As Savannah pointed out earlier today, "Dad's hair isn't thriving.")
Sad but true. My hair is not exactly thriving. Thank you for reminding me, dear daughter!

My daughters' obsession with my hair, part 2

The next day . . .

In which Savannah continues yesterday's facial hair conversation . .
Savannah, looking at my reflection in the mirror: "Dad, you shaved!"
Me: "Yes, I--"
Savannah: "I told you not to shave! I want you to grow a beard! You look ugly with a bald face!"
Well, it's a matter of degree, my dear child. I may look ugly with a bald face, but I look even worse with a hairy one.
If you'd like a second opinion, you could always ask your mother what she thinks.
A man who wants to stay on his wife's good side.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

My daughters' obsession with my hair, part 1

A couple snippets of conversation from today . . .
Incident 1)
Colette: "Dad, I can tell you are a man. Guess how? Because you have really hairy arms. <Runs her hand along my forearm> Look at all this hair!"
So *that's* how you tell the difference between men and women! I've always wondered.
Leila: "But he doesn't have any hair on his head. It must've fallen down onto his brain."
Colette: "Yeah. Dad must have a very hairy brain."

Incident 2)
I mention in passing that I am going to shave today. Savannah says, "No! You look silly with bald cheeks!"
Leila: "Yeah, keep your whiskers. Don't shave your cheeks bald!"
Me: "I'm sorry, girls, but mom outranks you. I'm going to shave."
Savannah: "But dad, I have one vote and Leila has one vote. So we outvote mom."
Me: "Mom has lots of votes. She wins.
Savannah: "Leila and I have lots of votes, too. We can outvote mom."
Uh, no. No, you can't. However many votes you girls have, mom has thousands more. Trust me.