A couple days ago, Katie sent me to the grocery store to get a few things. While searching for the items in question, I traveled down the cereal aisle and came across this little beaut'.
Naturally I bought it. After I arrived home and piled the bags of groceries on the kitchen table, Katie sorted through the contents and discovered the contraband. She held up the box and said, "How did this end up in the cart? Are you purposely trying to get yourself banned from going grocery shopping?"
I assured her that I was not.
And she said, "I told you to buy cheap stuff, and only necessities."
And I said, "But honey, STAR WARS!!!"
She did not find my carefully argued defense persuasive. I, on the other hand, thought it quite convincing.
Later, I showed my prized cereal box to the girls, who I figured would be a more receptive audience. And, lest they think me crazy, I quickly pointed out the feature they would find most appealing. I showed them the back of the box (see below), and said, "See, I can even cut out my very own Star Wars poster and put it on my bedroom wall!" This got no visible reaction from my daughters, but it caused my wife to roll her eyes.
So I guess C3PO and friends will not be adorning the walls of the master bedroom anytime soon.
haha, I can totally envision you trying to get the girls round to your way of thinking...and it not working. Still, STAR WARS!!!