Wednesday, August 10, 2016

In My Daughter's Eyes, I am No Hero

This morning I took my 6-year-old daughter, C., to her appointment with the pulmonologist. Nine-year-old S. came along. As part of the routine, C. got her breathing ability tested in a lab. This particular lab is staffed primarily with large men -- say 6' 4" 250 lbs and up -- with gray hair and beards. C. finds them rather intimidating. While we sat waiting in the lab, she told her big sister that the "boys" who do the testing are "big, tough, and mean." And S. observed that, in contrast, their daddy "isn't big, tough, or mean."
I'm not big and tough, S.?! What do you mean, I'm not big and tough? Of course I am! You are only nine years old. Therefore, you should view me as big and tough for four more years.
Don't let reality cloud your vision already, kid. There'll be time enough for that later.

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