Tuesday, August 16, 2016

In Which My 8-yr-old Daughter Considers Becoming Either a Politician or a Musician When She Grows Up

Remember how L. (8 y/o daughter) kept saying last year that she wanted to be president of the U.S. when she grows up? Today in the car, she and S. (9 y/o daughter) were discussing the assassinations of politicians and prominent historical figures. They talked about Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, James A. Garfield, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X. Near the end of that discussion, L. said she had been reconsidering running for president, given the risks involved. She said she probably would prefer to be a celebrity -- like a music star -- since that would be a lot safer. And I said, "Tell that to John Lennon."

The conversation reminded me of a song I learned in my junior high school choir class three decades ago: "Abraham, Martin, and John"

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