Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Big Sisters Don't Suck On Their Fingers

Scene: C. is playing with baby A., keeping her entertained.

Me: "You sure are a good big sister, C."

C. <gasps>: "I'm a big sister! And I still suck my fingers!" <Frantically throws her comfort item, "ducky," onto the bed behind her.>

In the meantime, I go over to the window and close the blinds because the bright sunlight is shining directly in Amelia's eyes.

C.: "Good idea dad! Close the blinds so no one else can see that I suck my fingers!"

Yes, dear. That's why I closed the blinds: so no one could see that my six-year-old daughter still sucks on two of her fingers.

C. <visibly relieved>: "I think the only people who have seen me suck on my fingers are in our family. Don't let anyone else know that I suck my fingers, okay dad? Let's keep it a secret. I don't want anyone to know."

Okay, kid. Your secret's safe with me.

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