Remember how Colette (age 6) was kind to Savannah yesterday morning? This morning it was Leila's turn to be on the receiving end of Colette's generosity. During the ride to school, Leila accidentally dumped out the contents of her lunch. While picking the scattered items up off the van floor, she noticed that one of them was a bag of chocolates. She freaked out, loudly complaining that Colette and Savannah got Samoas (Girl Scout cookies) in their lunch, while she was stuck with crummy ol' chocolates. (Earlier, Colette had consented to let Savannah once again have some of her cookies for lunch.) So, for the second day in a row, Colette offered to trade dessert items with a sister. Leila jumped at the chance to offload her Easter candy in return for Colette's cookies.
I asked Colette if she was sure she wanted to do that again, since the cookies were hers by purchase. She assured me that she was fine with the transaction because she still had one cookie left at home.
Bless her big heart, I hope Colette doesn't end up being taken advantage of by her big sisters.
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