Wednesday, June 8, 2016

In Which My 9-Year-Old Daughter Puts Me In My Place in Front of a Class of College Students

S. went to work with me today, which meant she got to sit through a two-hour college-level U.S. History class. But before sitting silently for 120 minutes, she called me out in front of my students for failing to count correctly.
I have 14 students enrolled in that particular course. At the start of class, I made a mental note of how many were present. Then I said, "Looks like we're missing five students today." And my math genius of a daughter said, "No dad, you're only missing four."
Me: "Well, there are only nine students here. That means five are missing."
S.: "No, dad. There are ten students. So you are only missing four."
I counted again and, sure enough, there were indeed ten students in class. My nine-year-old daughter can count better than I can. And proved it in front of ten college students today.
I think I'll leave her home tomorrow.

Little Miss "Elite Gold Honor Roll" Herself (straight A's all year long)